Gianni Buonsante - CEO at Ingenia Direct

Since 2000, we're skilled in Digital Communication

UI/UX Design & Branding
Full-stack Development
Copywriting, Photography & Video
Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing & Branding

Since 2000, we have been developing digital communication and marketing strategies for local and international companies in the luxurious digital marketing world.

We support many types of small and medium companies in developing creative ideas and strategies to achieve concrete results. Such as luxury hotels, art galleries, the design sector, and in all kinds of manufacturing.

We blend our long and deep experience with advanced strategy, design and technology to achieve digital marketing objectives looking for long-term sustainable growth.

We have utilised our connections with market leading companies based in Italy and abroad to heighten your experience. The combination of all these features makes us capable of tackling any communication project, taking care of the technological and digital marketing aspects in a way that is anything but standard, making each of our creations a work of art.

Founder & CEO Gianni Buonsante.

I live in Puglia, Southern Italy, within a few kilometers of the sparkling sea. I’ve never thought of leaving, for here, I’ve found what feeds my passion, my creativity, and what gives me the utmost joy.

At the age of 12, my dad, an Air Force marshal, brought me to his office in the summer. There, I approached my first computer: a Commodore PET.
Computers were rare during this time, and I was so intrigued, I delved into exploring this innovative machine, and within two years, I taught my first course Basics for Programming on a C64 to a class of forty students, all older than me.

Over the years, I’ve continued cultivating that passion, which is integral to my job and life. Writing is another passion; I’ve been jotting down poems and my thoughts since I was seventeen.

Gianni Buonsante CEO @ Ingenia Direct

The conscription service was also essential for my training and professional growth: I developed Unix-based software that made it possible to record access from outside Gioia del Colle, a military airport, so the on-duty officer could easily identify the owner of a vehicle on base. Upon leaving, I received the base commander’s praise for my contribution.

My only experience with subordinate work was at the age of nineteen, working with the Unix operating system, on accounting management software, and subsequently, a hotel management system.
In 1996, I started a business developing software that covered the needs of small businesses.
In 1998, I developed my first website for an iconic luxury hotel in Tuscany, and since then, I’ve continued to study, deepen and hone my passion for digital communication and marketing, an integral part of my training and work.

With every project, I always try to incorporate my plethora of skills and experiences, to involve all the elements as if they were musicians of an orchestra.

In 2000, I founded Ingenia Direct – which deals mostly with digital communication via the development of advanced websites, digital marketing, and software development dedicated to covering specific needs to improve guests’ experiences from booking to staying.

With Ingenia Direct, we serve customers from Italy, Kenya, Uganda, and England.
I have worked alongside many medium to large companies in the logistics, furniture, and luxury sectors. I give my all with each project, and in turn, gain immeasurable knowledge, experience, and elements that allow me to think outside the box, and to seek the utmost opportunities and challenges for every event.
One of my passions was, and always will be, photography. Today, I’m lucky enough to call it my job. I love using my personal perspective to portray all that there is to express in an experience, place, vacation, and in all sectors, not just luxury. Mw website is

A few years ago I lost my dad. He, along with my wife, contributed to my metamorphosis, the man I am today, and I’ll forever be grateful. I created a Facebook page entitled my dad – – and when I can, I jot down my thoughts, emotions, and share my experiences. Today the page has over 65,500 fans, reaching 92,000 likes, 566,669 shares, and 3359 comments on some posts.

I speak English and enjoy relationships with people of all cultures, which allows me to always learn and have a well-rounded view.

Pleasure Before Business

Digital  Innovation Tips Skills New Format Video Stories

Luxury Hospitality Conference Milano

L’immagine ha sempre avuto un’importanza fondamentale nella comunicazione del lusso di ieri e di oggi.

Ne parlerò il prossimo 28 settembre in occasione del Luxury Hospitality Conference a Milano, il primo evento in Italia dedicato al lusso nel settore dell’ospitalità.

Idee, esperienze, visioni e nuovi trend.

L’edizione 2023 accoglie grandi nomi e casi di successo. Esperti, opinion leader e operatori di rilievo internazionale insieme per confrontarsi su come il lusso possa rispondere alle sfide del mercato e alle esigenze di ospiti con aspettative sempre diverse.

Luxury Hospitality Conference
Gianni Buonsante HospitalityDay

Hospitality Day, Sala dei Bastioni – Palacongressi Rimin, 10 ottobre 2023 dalle 11.30 alle 12.00


Creare l’identità e trasmettere l’esperienza per aumentare le vendite. Il seminario tenuto da Gianni Buonsante, Visual Artist & CEO di Ingenia Direct, offrirà spunti interessanti e saprà emozionare con il racconto.

Un’intera giornata dedicata
all’ospitalità, per aggiornarsi, cambiare, scoprire nuove idee, strategie, ispirazioni, soluzioni che potrai portare ed applicare nel tuo lavoro.

Seminari tenuti da testimonial internazionali dell’hotellerie e della ristorazione, imprenditori illuminati e persone straordinarie con esperienze uniche da raccontare, per coinvolgere, stimolare, ma anche emozionare.

Relatori scelti tra le eccellenze internazionali e tra coloro che in Italia hanno saputo portare innovazione e cambiamento.

Wellness Hospitality Conference Milano

Wellness Hospitality Conference è un evento unico di approfondimento e networking, dedicato all’evoluzione del mondo del benessere, ai trend che caratterizzano il settore, ai cambiamenti del comparto termale e degli spa hotel e si rivolge a tutti i professionisti del mondo del benessere.

La domanda di benessere sta crescendo a un ritmo costante e con la necessaria adozione di strategie da parte dei principali attori, si prevede che il mercato aumenterà ben oltre il prossimo quinquennio.

Wellness Hotel Conference è un incontro di approfondimento per offrire una lettura più chiara delle azioni da intraprendere per rispondere adeguatamente alle sfide future del mercato.

Un ricco programma con una selezione degli speaker che saliranno sul palco e tratteranno le tematiche più calde del settore.

L’importanza della fotografia per l’evoluzione della comunicazione | Rinascita Digitale

Webinar del 15 maggio 2020

Gianni Buonsante illustra l’importanza della fotografia nella comunicazione digitale, come portarla avanti anche nelle piccole realtà – dando suggerimenti pratici per la pubblicazione sul website, blog e social. Quando la presenza di un professionista è importante per la giusta spinta che può essere combinazioni agli sforzi locali.

MOBILTURI porta con INGENIA DIRECT l’evoluzione cucina nell’era digitale.

Il 7 novembre 2019 a Erba (CO), nel cuore del distretto del mobile, Gianni Buonsante, digital strategist per Mobilturi, sul palco del roadshow del Registro italiano racconta un caso di successo nella Trasformazione Digitale nel mondo dell’arredo e del design.

MOBILTURI è stata invitata per raccontare la sua storia di successo attraverso l’uso di strategie di marketing digitale nel mondo dell’arredo e del design, in occasione dell’ultima tappa del roadshow Piccole Medie Digitali del Registro .it, l’anagrafe dei nomi .it gestita dall’Istituto di informatica e telematica del CNR di Pisa, incontro tra gli imprenditori ed i professionisti dell’arredo.

"Gianni has the sensitivity to bring worlds together"